4 Ways to Manage Your Corporate Access Resources More Efficiently
Published on Sep 16, 2017
One thing is becoming very clear in our discussions with large asset managers - they are increasingly focused on how they manage corporate access internally. For many years, asset managers haven’t really had to think too much about their Corporate Access process or indeed look at implementing systems that help administer it more efficiently, but this is rapidly changing.
Booking multiple meetings for the same roadshow; only attending a limited percentage of booked conference meetings; lack of visibility across the firm on what meetings are happening, have all been highlighted as common practice among even the most sophisticated of asset managers. Whether because of the advent of MiFID II regulations or reducing profit margins brought about by the rise of passive funds, for many firms there is now a strong realization that they have to change the way they operate in this fundamental area of their business and based on our conversations with stakeholders, technology is universally seen as the way to bring about the desired efficiencies.
Continually hearing the same pain points raised by asset managers made us realize there was a pent up demand for something that in many ways resembled a Client Relationship Management (CRM) system tailored to the unique workflow of an asset manager. Log all meeting activity; ensure booked meetings are visible across the firm; share meeting feedback efficiently; store contacts and generate reports - to us, this looked and felt pretty similar to the CRM system we use internally to manage our own sales process.
WeConvene has always been developed to be a tool that helps users manage their corporate access resources more efficiently but in order to enhance this, over the past couple of months we have been working on some big upgrades. The result of this development work is that WeConvene now looks and feels very similar to the type of “Buy-side CRM” that asset managers have been highlighting they need.
So, what is new?
First off, we have added a Manage Contacts section for users to store and edit all of their contacts - all contacts are visible across the firm meaning it is easy for users to access the right contact at any time.

In addition to booking meetings that the sell side or corporates directly invite you to across the platform, we have now added the ability for users to capture 100% of meeting activity with the Record Meetings tool. Users can create a meeting so that it is visible across the firm for colleagues to easily mark themselves as attending.

All recorded meetings are captured in the Firm Activity page, that provides a real-time view on everyone internally who is interacting with the event - users get full visibility on which meetings their colleagues are booked into, removing the risk of booking multiple meetings across the same event.

After the meeting has occurred, attendees can assign a rating to the meeting and write meeting notes. Again, all information is visible across the firm meaning users can find feedback on any past meeting quickly and easily.

And as with everything on WeConvene, all meeting data is automatically captured and stored in the statistics section, so users always have all information to hand, nothing is lost and pulling out reports on who has attended what meetings and with whom is a simple and quick process.
We will be releasing all these new features to buy side enterprise users in early October 2017 - if you are interested in getting an advance look, drop us a line at sales@weconvene.com to arrange a demo.
As for our future development plans, stay tuned for upcoming functionality that helps buy side corporate access teams efficiently manage bespoke trips and auto generate itineraries.
About WeConvene
Established in 2012, WeConvene is the cloud-based meetings and events management and marketing platform that helps the capital markets community book better®. WeConvene makes the creation, distribution, marketing and execution of official meetings and events between analysts, corporates, investors, IR firms, expert networks and investment banks fast and easy, generating better outcomes including greater team efficiency, increased meeting attendance and enhanced client satisfaction. For more information please visit WeConvene.com. For a demo or sales introduction please click here to request now.