The Future of Itinerary Documents
Published on May 10, 2018
After launching WeConvene, one of the first big features we developed was our event Itinerary functionality, providing event organizers with the ability to manage every aspect of their events on WeConvene.
It is over 2 years since we built this functionality but we still remember at the time being struck by how much effort Corporate Access and Investor Relations teams dedicated to formatting and updating the Itinerary documents that they would send round to event participants. It was (and for many team still is) standard practice to manually update the itinerary document multiple times, sometimes on a daily basis and it was a big eye-opener for us the amount of time taken up by what we had previously assumed was a straightforward process.
Our solution to this was to build an Itinerary Webpage function that removed the manual work involved with creating Itinerary documents:

- Users could generate a fully formatted, dedicated itinerary Web Page with a single click.
- The itinerary page automatically updated when changes were made to the event schedule.
- Each event participant received a personalized link that reflected their exact schedule.
We were pretty excited about this functionality and saw it as the perfect way for Corporate Access and investor Relations teams to reduce the huge amount of time spent constantly reformatting and resending itinerary PDF’s.
Since we launched this feature we have had a number of our clients switch away from the old method of creating and distributing itinerary documents and embrace using the online version. Recent feedback from event organizers has been extremely positive on the amount of time it has saved, which we have taken as our cue to revisit the functionality and build some powerful additions, making this an indispensable tool for event organizers and their event participants.
Integration with Google Maps
- Event participants can now also view their schedule in a google map view.
- Routes between meetings are clearly mapped out, with detailed directions.
- Option to view the distance and travel time between meetings based on different modes of transport.
Powerful filters
- Event participants can filter their schedule to quickly access the specific meeting information they need.
- Schedules can be easily customized to show meetings by a particular location, day, meeting type or investor.
Multiple Views
- Event participants can toggle between agenda, calendar and map views depending on their preference.
About WeConvene
Established in 2012, WeConvene is the cloud-based meetings and events management and marketing platform that helps the capital markets community book better®. WeConvene makes the creation, distribution, marketing and execution of official meetings and events between analysts, corporates, investors, IR firms, expert networks and investment banks fast and easy, generating better outcomes including greater team efficiency, increased meeting attendance and enhanced client satisfaction. For more information please visit For a demo or sales introduction please click here to request now.